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作者:kaiyun体育(中国)官方网站 发布时间:2024-09-30 22:46:02 次浏览

Germany is to become the first country outside the US to benefit from Facebook’s crackdown on fake news as the social media g

本文摘要:Germany is to become the first country outside the US to benefit from Facebook’s crackdown on fake news as the social media group tries to control the proliferation of media hoaxes ahead of elections in the country this year.德国将沦为美国以外首个获益于Facebook压制假新闻希望的国家。

Germany is to become the first country outside the US to benefit from Facebook’s crackdown on fake news as the social media group tries to control the proliferation of media hoaxes ahead of elections in the country this year.德国将沦为美国以外首个获益于Facebook压制假新闻希望的国家。这家社交媒体集团正试图在今年该国举办议会选举之前遏止媒体骗局的蔓延。

The world’s largest social network is bringing its test of fake-news filtering tools to Germany in the coming weeks after the spread of false stories such as one claiming Germany’s oldest church was set on fire by a mob of 1,000 people.世界仅次于社交网络将在未来几周内将其假新闻过滤器工具引入德国。此前德国曾多次流传一些耸人听闻的欺诈报导,比如声称该国最古老的教堂被1000名暴徒烧毁。

German users of the social network will now be able to report a story as fake and it will be sent to Correctiv, a third-party fact checker. If the fact checker discovers it is fake, the story will be flagged as “disputed”, with an explanation. Disputed stories will not be prioritised by the news feed algorithm and people will receive a warning if they decide to share it.该社交网络的德国用户现在将需要检举一个故事为假新闻,涉及故事将被发送至第三方事实核查机构Correctiv。如果事实核查机构找到它显然是假新闻,涉及故事将被标记为“有争议”,并附带一个说明。有争议的故事会获得新闻启动时算法的优先处置,而要求共享它的人们将收到一个预警。

Facebook said it had been in discussions with German media and publishing groups and was working to get more partners on board. “Our focus is on Germany right now but we’re certainly thinking through what countries will unveil next,” he said.Facebook的一名发言人回应,该公司在与德国媒体和出版发行集团展开辩论,正在努力争取更加多合作伙伴重新加入。“我们现在注目的是德国,但我们认同不会思维接下来要在各国发售什么机制,”他说道。The German government has been concerned that its elections could be influenced by the spread of fake news and the hacking of political campaigns, after false stories such as the Pope endorsing president-elect Donald Trump spread rapidly during the US elections and a recent US intelligence report found Russia intended to influence the election by hacking the Democratic National Committee.德国政府担忧的是,该国的议会选举有可能受到假消息传播和黑客攻击政治竞选团队的影响,此前在美国议会选举期间,诸如教皇反对唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)被选为总统之类的欺诈报导很快蔓延到,而美国情报机构最近公布的一份报告找到,俄罗斯曾意图通过对民主党全国委员会(DNC)发动黑客攻击来影响议会选举。



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