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黑科技动动手指 就能为手机充电:kaiyun体育(中国)官方网站

作者:kaiyun体育(中国)官方网站 发布时间:2024-09-27 22:46:02 次浏览

The days of having to carry a phone charger everywhere could soon be over.随身携带手机充电器的日子有可能将要过去。

本文摘要:The days of having to carry a phone charger everywhere could soon be over.随身携带手机充电器的日子有可能将要过去。

The days of having to carry a phone charger everywhere could soon be over.随身携带手机充电器的日子有可能将要过去。Michigan researchers have revealed a major breakthrough in harvesting energy from human motion.密歇根的研究人员获得了一项重大突破, 可从人体动作中搜集能量。They say it could lead to smartphones powered for a week by the motion of a swipe being harvested.研究人员称之为,从翻手机这一动作中提供的能量不足以可供智能手机续航一周。

Michigan State Universitys low-cost device, known as a nanogenerator, has already been tested.密歇根州立大学的这款低成本设备,即纳米发电器,已通过测试。Scientists successfully operated an LCD touch screen, a bank of 20 LED lights and a flexible keyboard, all with a simple touching or pressing motion and without the aid of a battery.通过非常简单的触碰或松开,需要电池辅助,科学家们顺利地在液晶触摸屏、一排20盏LED灯以及软键盘上已完成操作者。The groundbreaking findings, published in the journal Nano Energy, suggest were on the path toward wearable devices powered by human motion, said Nelson Sepulveda, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering and lead investigator of the project.密歇根大学电气和计算机工程系副教授及该项目的首席研究员纳尔逊 . 里斯普尔韦达回应,这项突破性的找到,指出“我们正在向人体动作为可穿着设备供电的研究方向发展”,这项找到已在《纳米能源》期刊上公开发表。What I foresee, relatively soon, is the capability of not having to charge your cell phone for an entire week, for example, because that energy will be produced by your movement, said Sepulveda, whose research is funded by the National Science Foundation.里斯普尔韦达说:“我预测在不久以后,整整一周都不必为手机电池,只需做到一些动作就可为手机供电。

”他的这项研究获得了美国国家科学基金会的资助。The process starts with a silicone wafer, which is then fabricated with several layers, or thin sheets, of environmentally friendly substances including silver, polyimide and polypropylene ferroelectret.电池过程始自一块硅晶片,其被多层或薄薄的环保材料包覆,还包括银、聚酰亚胺和聚丙烯铁电驻极体等。

Ions are added so that each layer in the device contains charged particles.此外,离子的加到使设备的每一层都所含带电粒子。Electrical energy is created when the device is compressed by human motion, or mechanical energy.当设备被松开时,电能或机械能就随之产生。The completed device is called a biocompatible ferroelectret nanogenerator, or FENG, and is as thin as a sheet of paper.该研究成品被称作生物可容性铁电纳米发电器,全称FENG,就如一张纸那样厚。

The device used to power the LED lights was palm-sized, for example, while the device used to power the touch screen was as small as a finger.向LED灯供电的设备如手掌大小,而向触摸屏供电的设备只有手指大小。Advantages such as being lightweight, flexible, biocompatible, scalable, low-cost and robust could make FENG a promising and alternative method in the field of mechanical-energy harvesting for many autonomous electronics such as wireless headsets, cell phones and other touch-screen devices, the study says.研究指出,FENG设备具备轻巧灵活性、生物相容性、可拓展、低成本、结实轻巧等优点,这些优点使FENG设备在机械能搜集领域前景辽阔,沦为一种替代方法。机械能搜集主要针对很多自动电子产品,诸如无线耳机,手机和其他触屏设备等。

The device also becomes more powerful when folded.当设备被拉链时,需要获取更加多电量。Each time you fold it you are increasing exponentially the amount of voltage you are creating, Sepulveda said.里斯普尔韦达说: “每次当你将设备拉链时,其产生的电压量将呈圆形几何级数快速增长。”You can start with a large device, but when you fold it once, and again, and again, its now much smaller and has more energy.“你可以首先在较小的设备上操作者,但若你将它大大地拉链,随着它更加小,所获取的能量却更加多。”Now it may be small enough to put in a specially made heel of your shoe so it creates power each time your heel strikes the ground.“它有可能小到不足以放入你的特制鞋跟里,这样一来,你每回头一步都会产生电能。

”Sepulveda and his team are also developing technology that would transmit the power generated from the heel strike to, say, a wireless headset.里斯普尔韦达和他的团队正在研发将鞋跟控地产生的电能传输到无线耳机的技术。



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